Dead Tired...

... Was studying from 9am to 9pm today, even though it's saturday..
My god... What is university doing to me??
Anyway, I got home just now, went for some coffee after a 24h session in school. Well needed :)! But also to say bye bye to our friend Kristian! Who is leaving for London on Monday!

Tomorrow I'm having a study/chill day with Jessy! Is gonna be awwwsooome.
I also found a new desk that I want to buy. It's really big and wide and perfect! Never had a proper desk before so I'm all hyped up. Just need to find somebody with a car, to drive me there and back home. 


At home chilling with Mitchell, so bored, don't know what to do. 
I should be studying, but I slept so bad yesterday so not really up for it :(. Maybe some sushi later will make me feel better.

pinky swear

Today I met up with some friends in the city for some coffee and chocolate cake. I was supposed to go to school but that didn't happen ...:(

I'm starting to like pink colour, wasn't my favourite colour before... maybe i'm becoming more girly heehee. 

Little flower necklace

My favourite necklace at the moment :) It's so cute. Bought it online! 


Rainy Days

It's been raining for several days now! It's nice but at the same time so annoying. I want to enjoy some more summer. 
This weekend is my last at my current work, after that I'm focuzing on my school. No job means less money...



This is so Me :) GB and Japan!
kanske ska ta och börja spela badminton eller tennis och så! Verkar Askul :))




För några dagar sen
Stör mig på min hy just nu, sjukt jäkla ofräsch.
Eller stört mig på den i 2 år nu ha ha.. Why can't it go back to how it just to be? (när jag va typ 13år!)


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