killer time

I've been working since monday, full schedule. And my body is dying! haha but seriously i'm so tired! Monday to Sunday is really tough!
That's why i've been so unreachable..
On Monday however I'm moving to my aunts place again, but this time for the whole July! It is going to be awesome.
I'mma buy a membership card at Sats aswell, the trainingcenter is real close to the apartment, so it's going to be a lot easier to fit my training schedule with my work.
Right now I'm focusing on work and training. Don't want to miss out on all of the fun things my friends are doing, but I feel like I need to priority better until August. *sad face*

I'm too tired to plug in my iphone and transfer all of the new pictures I've taken, so I'll just do it the next time...!


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